Red Kap. Wear it Proud.
“...full-featured ads that functioned flawlessly across all browsers.”

We are excited to be working with Red Kap and The Buntin Group on a series of new banner ads and eBlasts. Red Kap is an American company started in 1923, when two brothers and a cousin teamed up to sell bib overalls. The company is headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee and manufactures and distributes work-related clothing and outerwear. The design of the digital campaign captures the rough, rugged look that appeals to the tough jobs that the people wearing their clothes can relate to but has the professionalism that can be respected by the Suits. This new series of banner ads are hosted by Sizmek and are distributed to sites such as CNN and Google. The eBlasts were sent to their existing customers with a chance to win or receive discounts on promotional items.

The Red Kap campaign is interesting in that it presented two distinct technical challenges: creating eBlasts with consistent branding regardless of email platform and building engaging banner ads that reach the maximum number of users without any technical issues. Through rigorous QA testing and progressive enhancement, we were able to ensure Red Kap’s eBlasts displayed reliably on a wide variety of email services. The eBlasts were optimized to adapt to desktop software as old as Outlook 2003 in addition to web services such as Gmail and Red Kap’s rich media banner ads featured interactive product galleries and streaming video. By utilizing Sizmek’s HTML5 platform we were able to create full-featured ads that functioned flawlessly across all browsers.