OEO Gets a New Logo & Website
“We collaborated with Robby
on the design to have a
modern, fresh approach...”

Oilfield Equipment Online is an outlet for the oil and gas industry to find and sell equipment online. From a development standpoint, it was a unique challenge organizing hundreds of categories and listings using a robust backend database system. The easy-to-use website we built displays content to the user without being overwhelming or complicated.

We enjoyed designing the website and logo for OEO. This is the second website for Robby McQuary that we have designed. He is a unique entrepreneur who is always thinking outside the box and OEO is no exception. We collaborated with Robby on the design to have a modern, fresh approach to an industry that is commonly known for it’s ‘good-ol-boy’ sensibility.

Built to Last
With nearly 300 different
categories and a global
reach, OEO is poised to
compete with the top
leaders in the industry.