The Bradford Group Launches a Design Refresh for the New Year
“...the site turned
out great both visually
and functionally.”

The Bradford Group is an extremely talented Nashville PR firm. They have been one of our longest client relationships, and we value and appreciate them immensely. We built their original website in 2012, so when they came to us with a plan to refresh their website for 2017, we were eager to help. We focused on maximizing user interaction and utilized techniques that enhanced the existing content such as full-screen, responsive images. We also added an archive system for their case studies, which allows the Bradford Group to provide access to past projects without cluttering the main case study section.

From a designers point of view we were super excited to take what was already a great looking website and make it even better by changing the navigation structure and graphics to maximize the full width of the browser. We got rid of the two column layout and made it a full width one column site. This allowed us to use much larger images on the homepage as well as the case and work sections. We always enjoy working with the Bradford Group and think the site turned out great both visually and functionally.

Public Relations with a Personal Touch
Bradford Group combines traditional and digital marketing for a holistic approach to public relations.
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